Sunshine Blogger Award II

Its been a cloudy day and the sun doesn’t seem to dare to come out. It is a dark day, but thanks to Namrata, there is sunshine today. Yes, the Sunshine Award is here again (, and let the celebrations begin 😀


My nominator is someone whom even the stupendous Smaug will approve, and he can get rid of all his treasures just to read her blog 😀 Namrata’s territory of wonderful Haiku and other beautiful writings is right here:

Your blog is stupendous, Namrata; thank you for the sunshine 🙂 The only time I don’t comment there is when my creativity goes on vacation to Antarctica with Happy Feet Penguins 😀

There are certain rules one has to follow in order to accept the award. They are: 1. Display award on your blog. 2. Show gratitude to the person and link back your nominator. 3. Nominate up to 10 of your favorite deserving bloggers. 4. Link the nominees in your post and let them know. 5. Write ten interesting things about yourself.

So here comes the next 10 blogs:

1. Simon []

2. Mirna []

3. Raja []

4. Sara []

5. Imelda []

6. Dan []

7. Rakesh []

8. Pallavi []

9. Heila []

10. Brenda []


So, the ten things:

1. My childhood & youth ended with the Undertaker’s defeat & hospitalization, this Wrestlemania. I am now an old man 😦

2. I haven’t prepared a resume yet as I feel it is a symbol of pride & vanity.

3. It is my decision never to buy a two-wheeler which is not Honda.

4. I don’t like to talk, I prefer to listen and witness.

5. I don’t believe that anyone can go to heaven through faith alone.

6. Even when it spoils our sporting activities, I love rain a lot.

7. I came up with the idea for my story blog ( with a dream.

8. I often wake up so early that it saddens me to have disappointed the personification of sleep 😛

9. The Vampire Bat idea originally comes from my childhood love for Dracula and Batman.

10. Nothing inspires me better than Lord Tennyson’s Ulysses.


Thank you Namrata, and may the Smaug be with you 🙂

The Vampire Bat.

2 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award II

  1. How can one survive in this world without making a resume? :O That’s amazing. And I would love to keep the Smaug with me as long as it speaks in the voice of Benedict <3. 🙂
    I really appreciate you reading my posts and replying there. Happy to share a little happiness with you. 😀 I love your blog, those awesome movie reviews and your fun way of writing. 😀


    • I will go for Phd, that will require only a filled application form & not a resume 😀
      Smaug voice is fixed, because there will be no other Smaug for at least 20 years or so 😀
      The feeling is mutual 🙂 We never had to study Haiku, so your blog helps 😀 Your presence has even made sure that I watch Sherlock (that was a little bit accidental though) 😀 It is important because I will be careful about Bollywood copying & releasing Sherlock this 25th 😉


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